Corporate Disclosure

The Second Quarterly Report 2020



The Second Quarterly Report 2020
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In the second quarter of 2020, the total revenue of PAS is KHR 75,625,617,000 which decreases by KHR 6,074,584,000 equal to 7.44% and the net profit is KHR 8,340,124,000 which increases by KHR 7,201,504,000 equal to 632.48% if compared to the same period of 2019.

The First Quarterly Report 2020



The First Quarterly Report 2020
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In the first quarter of 2020, PAS has a total revenue of KHR71,707,781,000 which increases by KHR2,905,953,000 equal to 3.01% compared to the first quarter of 2019 and the net profit is KHR820,395,000 which decreases by (KHR7,825,624,000) equal to (90.51%)

Annual Report 2019



Annual Report 2019
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On behalf of the Board of the Port of Sihanoukville, I am honored and pleased to present the OCI's Annual Business and Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2019

Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2019



Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2019
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For the 12 months period ended of 31 December 2019, Sihanoukville Autonomous Port has a total revenue of KHR333,913,377,000 which increase by KHR58,337,732,000 equal to 21.17% compared to the 12 months period ended of 31 December 2018 and the net profit of the year is KHR43,463,500,000

Fourth Quarterly Report of PAS in 2019



Fourth Quarterly Report of PAS in 2019
admin admin

In the fourth quarter of 2019, PAS have a total revenue of KHR91,044,243,000 which increases by KHR15,602,924,000 equal to 20.68% compared to the fourth quarter of 2018 and the net profit is KHR9,398,259,000 which decreases by (KHR6,248,555,000) equal to (39.93%) compared to the fourth quarter of 2018. ...

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